鄉 情 剛想到五月 鄉情便黃過故鄉的地界 麥垛一個挨著一個 堆滿童年的記憶 夢打著飽嗝 撐破夜的肚皮 The Nostalgia As soon as I think of May The nostalgia yellows through the boundary of my native place Haystacks of wheat, one by one Piled up with memories of childhood days Dream burps from a full tummy Bursting the night's belly 遠 方 背井離鄉的人 衣袋里塞滿故鄉的炊煙 挺直的腰軒 常常被一片月光壓彎 一輩子丟不下的遠方 像一把鑰匙 總在皮帶上掛著 Far from Home Those away from home very far Put in their pockets hometown's kitchen smoke Their straight backs are Often bended by a ray of moonlight The far place I can never let go all my life Is like a key Always on the waist belt, hanging tight 自 殺 他從不殺雞、殺魚 連螞蟻都不敢踩一下 瞅見血 就會暈過去 突然巷子里傳出 他自殺了 手里緊攥著一把刀 Suicide He never killed a fish or a chicken Nor dared to step even on an ant Seeing blood He would pass out away right Suddenly, news came out from an alley: He had ended his life Holding tight in his hand a knife 致高考 為一場蓄謀已久的仗 你披甲戴盔 獨自面對伏兵十萬 一把木錘 敲破了父親那面鼓 母親的吶喊 口干舌燥 所有路口都被封鎖 成與敗 一錘子買賣 To College Entrance Exam For a battle planned long in advance You wear armor and a helmet Alone, facing an ambush of hundred-thousand troops A drumstick Broke your father's drumhead The battle cry of your mother Dried her mouth and tongue All intersections are blocked off Success or failure Is but a deal of once-for-all 耳 朵 也不挑 什么話都往里鉆 日子久了 掏出來 像一塊石頭 又臭又硬 費了大半天功夫 好不容易敲碎 沒幾句真話 Ears Ears are never picky Words of whatever all go in After a long time When dug out They are solid like a rock Hard and stinky It takes near a day's hard work To break it into pieces Only very few are true 初 夏 野花一直爬上山頂 牛犢在河邊撒歡 陽光把云朵鋪在草地上 馬頭琴吆趕著羊群 結古寺的經聲 一會高,一會低 黃昏點亮的燈盞 比天上的星星還多 Early Summer Wild flowers climb up all the way to the top of mountain Calves frolic by the river The sun spreads many a cloud on the grassland A horse-headed fiddle drives a flock of sheep Chanting voice of Jiegu Temple One moment high, and the next low Lights, lit up by twilight Are more than the stars in the sky 夏 夜 月光坐在麥垛上 風賊一樣 推開虛掩的木門 夢被一陣蛙鳴抬起 又輕輕放下 貓捉老鼠的事 正在發生 A Summer Night On the wheat haystacks sits the moonlight And wind, as if a thief Pushes open a timber door ajar My dream is hoisted by a burst of the frogs' croaks And then lowered down lightly The story of a cat catching mouse Is under way right now 草 原 羚羊只顧遷徙、產仔 花或紅或紫,各開各的 風打開一本舊經書 木魚敲碎黃昏 女人從河水的交匯處 舀起一桶月光 走一路,掉一路 Prairie Antelopes focus on migrating and giving birth Flowers, red or purple, bloom on their own Wind opens an old sacred book Wooden fish beats break the twilight into pieces From the place where the rivers meet A woman scoops up a bucket of moonlight Spilling it all her way 吳偉雄 廣東新會人,英語譯審。中國譯協四、五屆理事,獲授“資深翻譯家”證書。多年奉職于地市外事管理和翻譯工作,赴 20 多個國家任隨團翻譯或參加國際會議;曾任北京理工大學珠海學院外國語學院教授。在翻譯核心刊物發文 16 篇,出版編著 5 本。2005 年在中國譯協和桂林市府合辦的“桂林山水甲天下”名句國際譯文征集中摘冠。 >>>更多美文:自創詩
- Oct 22 Tue 2024 10:01